Subject: Psychology

Course Name & Paper No.1 : Basic Psychological Processes –1

Course Objectives:

1. To generate interest in Psychology

2. To understand the basics of various perspectives in Psychology

3. To appreciate the psychological processes behind behaviour

4. By this course a student will come to understand Psychology as science and will
understand human behavior by different approaches.

5. The students will know theories of main basis for understanding and explaining
the specific human’s behavior.

6. The student will come to understand different phases of consciousness and its
nature and also its relation to human behavior.

7. The student will come to understand the nature and types of perception which
are related to human behavior and its cognitive development.


Unit-1: Introduction to Psychology

Brief history of modern scientific Psychology:

 Introduction, Origin and Development of Psychology
o Pri-scientific Psychology
o Experimental Psychology
o Early perspectives (Structuralism, Functionalism, Behaviorism, Gestalt
Psychology, Psychoanalysis).
o The Morden Psychology: A Short History of Indian Psychology
What is Psychology?:
 New and Working Definition of Psychology
 Psychology as a Behavioral Science
 Nature and Scope of Psychology
 Goals and utility of Psychology
 The Subfields of Psychology:
o Clinical and Counselling Psychology
o Experimental Psychology
o Industrial and Engineering Psychology
o School and educational Psychology
o Psychology of Measurement

Unit-2: The Science of Psychology

Scientific Methods:
 Psychology as a science
 Goals of scientific Psychology
 Steps in scientific investigation.
o Systematic observation.
o Interview,
o Questionnaire (Tests)
o Experimental Method (D’Ameto)
o Clinical Method
o Survey Method
o Case Study
o Co relational studies
o Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Studies.
Approaches to Psychology:
o Behavioral approach
o Neurobiological approach
o Cognitive approach
o Psychoanalytic approach.
Relationship of Psychology: with other sciences-anthropology, philosophy,
sociology, biology and medicine.

Unit-3: Sensory, Attention and Perceptual Processes

 Meaning and Definition of sensation
 Meaning and types of sensation
o Visual, Audition, Smell, Taste & Tactile.
o Sensation of Psychophysics; Absolute and Difference threshold.
 Meaning and Definition of attention
 Characteristics of attention
 Determinants of attention-subjective and objective factors.
 Phenomena associated with attention: set in attention, Types of attention: span
of attention, division of attention, distraction of attention.
 Meaning and Definition of Perception
 Process of Perception
 Difference types of perception
 Determinants of Perception
 Principles of Perceptual Organisation (Gestalt principles),

 Depth and Distance perception, reception of individual Perceptual styles, 
Habituation, Social perception, Extra sensory perception and Subliminal 
perception. Perceptual constancies. 
Illusions: different types Illusion: Optical Illusion, Illusions of size, 
 shape and movement.

Unit-4: Biological and Environmental Factor of Behaviour

 What is heredity?: definition and Meaning
 Process of Heredity: Chromosomes, Jens, Twins Baby, Adoptive 
 Endocrine glands, Biology of Behaviour - The nervous System: central 
nervous system and peripheral nervous system. 
 What is Environment? definition and Meaning
 Type of Environment
 Heredity and Environment factors affect of each other.

Unit-5: Motivation and Emotions

Motivation (Needs):
 Definition and meaning of Motivational
 Motivational Cycle
 Motivation Theories – Drive theory, Arousal theory (Yerkes-Dodson law), 
Goal setting theory, Maslow’s hierarchy of need theory, 
 Types of Motivation 
o Biological
o Social
o Psychological 
o Subliminal Motivation. 
 Intrinsic & extrinsic motivation. Primary and secondary motives. 
 Definition and Mening of Motivation
 Nature and expression and impact of emotions
 Emotion theory: James-Lange theory, Cannon-Bard theory, Schachter-Singer 
theory, Opponent process theory. 
 External expression of emotions-Nonverbal cues, culture & emotion.


 A Psychology Living – Sorenson & Molm
 B. Kuppuswami – An Introduction to Psychology
 General Psychology – Dvan Nostran Com. – J. P Filfourd
 Dr. C. B. Jadeja, Dr. R. G. Parmar and all, Basic Psychological Process-1
 Dr. J. A. Jarsaniya, Dr. Jayesh, Bhalala, Dr. R. K. Chocha (2016) Basic Psychological 
Process-1, C. Jamnadas & Comp. Ahmedabad
 Baron, R.A. & Misra, G. (2014). Psychology, 5th ed. New Delhi: Pearson Education.
 Coon, D. (1998). Introduction to Psychology: Exploration and application. USA: 
Brooks/Cole Publishing Co. 
 Ciccarelli, S.K., & Meyer, G.E. (2008). Psychology, South Asian ed. New Delhi: Pearson.
 Bootzin, R., & Bower, G.H. (1991). Psychology today-An Introduction, 7th ed. New York: 
McGraw Hill Inc.
 Kuppuswamy, B. (1990). Elements of Ancient Indian Psychology, 3rd Ed. New Delhi: 
Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
 Lefrancois, G.R. (2000). Theories of human learning, 4th ed. London:Wadsworth.
 Lee. J A (2010) The Scientific Endeavour. New Delhi. Pearson
 Mishra, B. K. (2008). Psychology: The study of human behaviour. New delhi: Prentice Hall 
of India.
 Morgan, C.T., King, R.A., Weisz, J.R., & Schopler, J. (1993). Introduction to Psychology, 
7thed. New Dehi: Tata McGraw Hill.
 Kellogg, R.T. (2007). Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology. California: Sage 
Publications Inc., Chapter 2 &3. 
 Basic Psychological Process-I, Dr. R. G. Parmar, Dr. C. B. Jadeja, Dr. Jignesh Tapariya
 Weiten, W. (2002). Psychology: Themes and variations, 5th ed. New York: Brooks/Cole 
Publishing Co., Chapter 4.
 General Psychology – Dvan Nostran Com. – J. P Filfourd
 Elements – Rech Devid
 Psychology – Norman L. Munn
 સામાન્ય મનોનવજ્ઞાન – યુનનવસીટી ગ્રાંર્થ નનમાકણ બોર્ક, ર્ૉ. સી. પી. ભટ્ટ.
 પ્રગત સામાન્ય મનોનવજ્ઞાન - યુનનવસીટી ગ્રાંર્થ નનમાકણ બોર્ક, ર્ૉ. બી. એ. પરીખ
 સન્માન્ય માનસશાસ્ર, ર્ૉ. બી. એ. પરીખ, પોપ્યુલર પબ્લીશીંગ હાઉસ-સુરત.
 સામાન્ય મનોનવજ્ઞાનની રૂપરેખા, આવૃનિ ૧૯૯૩-૯૪, સી. જમનાદાસની કાંપની. અમદાવાદ.
 મૂળભૂત મનોવૈજ્ઞાનનક પ્રક્રિયાઓ, આવૃનિ ૨૦૦૭-૨૦૦૮, સી. જમનાદાસની કાંપની. અમદાવાદ.
 વ્યનક્તત્વના નસધ્ાાંતો, કુસુમબેન ભટ્ટ, યુનનવસીટી ગ્રાંર્થ નનમાકણ બોર્કઅમદાવાદ.