Subject: Psychology
Course Name & Paper No.9: Social Psychology Psychology-II.

Course Objectives:
This course should help Students:
1. Appreciate how individual behaviour is influenced by Social and Cultural
2. Understand how social behariour can be analysed in terms of Social
Psychological Theories
3. Realise how Social Psychological knowledge can be used in Solving Social
4. To understand how a social psychological analysis differs from other forms of
5. To become familiar with the wide variety of questions and topics that social
psychologists study
6. To become familiar with a sampling of research findings, both correlation and
7. To appreciate the variety of choices and limitations in the lives of women and
men as they are shaped by personal and social factors
8. To explore various topic areas through readings, class activities, and discussion
and by thinking and writing critically and reflectively.
Unit-I: Social Prejudice
 Meaning and Definition of Prejudice
 Characteristics of Prejudice
 Formation of Prejudice
 Results of Prejudice
 Method of Reducing Prejudice
Unit-II: Collective Behaviour
 Meaning and Definition of Group
 Characteristics of Group.
 Types of Group (૬ પ્રકાર(
 Meaning and Definition of Crowd
 Characteristics of Nature of Crowd
 Types of Crowd
 Meaning and Definition of Audience
 Types of Audience (With Virtual Audience)
- Psychology of Fashion
- Psychology of Rumours
Unit-III: Leadership
 Meaning and Definition of Leadership
 Functions of Leader
 Dimensions of Leadership Behaviour
 Types of Leader
o Sir Martin Convey
o Bartlett
o Sargent and Williamson
o Crutch and Crutchfield
Unit-IV: Pro-Social and Anti-Social Behaviour
 Helping Behaviour
 Aggressive Behaviour
o What is Aggressive Behaviour?
o Principals of Aggressive Behaviour
 Attraction
o Liking and Loving Others
o Principals of Attraction
 Loneliness
Unit-V: Public Opinion and Propaganda
Public Opinion
 Meaning of Public Opinion
 Characteristics (Nature) of Public Opinion
 Formation of Public Opinion
 Change of Public Opinion
 Meaning of Propaganda
 Technique of Propaganda
 Baron, R. A. & Byrne D. (2006)/ Social Psychology. New Delhi : Prentice
Hall of India.
 Myers, D. G. (2006). Social Psychology. New Delhi : Tata McGraw Hill
 Parikh, B. A. (1990). Social Psychology (Advanced). Ahmedabad, University
Book Production Board, Gujarat State.
 Worchel, S., Cooper, J., Goethals, G.R. & Olson, J. M. (2000). Social
Psychology. Belmont, USA : Wadsworth / Thomson Learning.
 Taylor, S.E.; Peplau, L.A. and Sears, D.O. (2006). Social psychology. 12th ed.
N.D.: Pearson.
 Baron, R.A.; Byrne, D. (1998). Social psychology. 10th ed. N.D.: Prentice-
Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
 Social Psychology – Soloman Asch
 An Outline of Social Psychology – Sheriff & Sheriff
 Social Psychology – I. M. Newcomb
 સમાજલક્ષી મનોનવજ્ઞાન (પ્રગત), ર્ૉ. બી. એ. પરીખ, યુનનવસીટી ગ્રાંર્થ નનમાકણ બોર્ક, ગુજરાત
રાજ્ય, આમદાવાદ.
 સમાજલક્ષી મનોનવજ્ઞાન, આવૃનિ ૨૦૦૭-૨૦૦૮, સી. જમનાદાસની કાંપની, અમદાવાદ.
 સમાજલક્ષી મનોનવજ્ઞાન, આવૃનિ ૨૦૧૭, સી. જમનાદાસની કાંપની, અમદાવાદ.
 સમાજલક્ષી મનોનવજ્ઞાન, હાંસરાજ ભાક્રટયા, રાજકમલ પ્રકાશન, અમદાવાદ..

Subject: Psychology
Course Name & Paper No.9: Health Psychology.

Course Objectives:
This course should help Students:
1. Appreciate how individual behaviour is influenced by Health and Cultural
2. Understand how social behariour can be analysed in terms of Health
Psychological Theories
3. Realise how Health Psychological knowledge can be used in Solving Health
4. To describe the biopsychosocial (mind-body) model as an organizing model for
understanding the domains of health and illness.
5. To discuss biological, psychological, and social factors in the chronic diseases
that are the leading causes of death in society today.
6. To discuss the role of psychology in preventing illness, promoting wellness, and
shaping health care policy and reform.
7. To analyze different health behaviors, attitudes, outcomes, and illnesses from
the perspectives of the major theories of health, and recognize those theories
when used by others to analyze events.
Unit-1 Introduction to Health Psychology
 Introduction
 Definition of Health Psychology
 Development of Health Psychology
 Nature of Health Psychology
 Why is the Field of Health Psychology Needed?
Unit : 2 Models of Health
 Biopsychosocial Model
 Biomedical Model
 Psycho-cultural Model
 Health Belief Model.

Unit : 3 Lifestyle and Health
 The Theory of Reasoned Action
 Health Seeking Behavior
 The Theory of Planned Behavior
 Self Regulation Theory
 Indian views of Health
Unit : 4 Health Promoting and Health Damaging Behavior
 Promoting Behavior
 Damaging Behavior
Unit : 5 Health Related Disease
 Stress
 Heart Disease
 Diabetes
 Alams and Abrams : "Health Psychology" La Jolla ca University, 1983
 Shelley Talyor, "Health Psychology" M.C. Graw Hill, New Delhi, 2003
 Fridman : "Health Psychology" Prentice Hall, N.W. 1989
 David Marks, "Health Psychology" Sage Publication, 2004
 Mathur S. "Health Psychology" Vinod Publication, Agra
 Taylor, E.S. (2003): Health Psychology(Fifth Psychology), McGraw-Hill
international Edition, New York.
 Marks F.D.& Others (2005): Health Psychology (theory, Research &practice),
Second Edition, Sage Publication, New Delhi.
 સ્વાસ્્ય મનોનવજ્ઞાન, ર્ૉ. અરવવાંદ શાહ અને ર્ૉ. ગાં્વકજોશી, ક્રર્વાઈન પબ્લીકેશન, અમદાવાદ.

Subject: Psychology
Course Name & Paper No.10: System and Theory of Psychology-II

Course Objectives:
This course should help Students:
1. To impart knowledge about the systems of Psychology.
2. To make students understand the nature and course of various schools of
3. Student get to know all sphere of psychological theories.
4. Able to analyze single behavior by different angles of thought. Able to
catagorise different thoughts of school.
5. Establish expetise in focused aria of psychological theories and different types
of system.
6. Be able to solve behavioral problem scientifically by different theories.
Unit-I Gestaltism
 Introduction of Gestaltism
 Origin back ground of Gestaltism
 Principals of Gestalt Psychology
 Main Gestalists and Its Contribution: Max Wertheimier, Wolfgang Kohler,
 Contribution of Gestaltism
Unit-II Filed Theory
 Introduction
 Filed Theory
 Life Space Theory
 Studies of group dynamics
 Theory of Vector and Topology
 Contribution of Kurt Lewin in Social Psychology
Unit-III Psycho-Analysis – I
 Basic Introduction of Psycho-Analysis

 Origin back ground of Psycho-Analysis
 Principals of Psycho-Analysis (Sigmund Freud)
 Limitation of Sigmund Freud theory
 Contribution of Psycho-Analysis
Unit-IV Psycho-Analysis – II
 Adler's Individual Psychology
 Principals of Psycho-Analysis by Adler
 Principals of Analytical Psychology by Jung's
 Evaluation of Adler and Jung theory in Psychology
 Contribution of Psycho-Analysis
Unit-V Hormic Psychology
 Introduction of Hormic Psychology
 Origin back ground of Hormic Psychology
 Principals of related to Motivation
 Theory of Purposivism by McDougall
 Theory of Motive as a Allport and Murray
 Cotemporary Theories and System in Psychology.’’ By: Benjamin B. Wolman.
Pub. Harper & Row Publication.-London, Tokyo.
 System and Theories in Psychology. By: J. P. Chaplin, T. S. Krawiec. 2nd
Edition, Holt, Rinehart, And Winston Inc. New York, Chicago. U. S. A.
 Woolman B. : Conteporary Theories and Systems of Psychology Harpea
Publishing Co. N. Y. 1960
 Theory and System of psychology (Guarati). B.A. Parikh, Uni. Granth Nirman
Board, Dr. B.A. Parikh : Siddhanto and Sampradayo, Uni. Granth Nirman
 Woodworth – School of Psychology
 મનોનવજ્ઞાનની નવિાર્ારાઓ-કુલીન પાંડ્યા, ગુજરાત ગ્રાંર્થ નનમાકણ બોર્ક, અમદાવાદ.