Saturday 28 December 2019

Course Name & Paper No.7: System and Theories of Psychology-Iba

Subject: Psychology
Course Name & Paper No.7: System and Theories of Psychology-I

Course Objectives:

This course should help Students:
1. To impart knowledge about the systems of Psychology

2. To make students understand the nature and course of various schools of 

3. Student get to know all sphere of psychological theories.

4. Able to analyse single behaviour by different angles of thought.

5. Able to categorise different thoughts of school.

6. Establish expertise in focused aria of psychological theories and different types 
of system.

7. Be able to solve behavioural problem scientifically by different theories.


Unit-I: Introduction

 Historical Development of Morden Psychology: Pre-Scientific Psychology, 
Scientific Psychology.
 Model of Theory Contraction: Model Theory, Deductive Theory, Functional 
 What is System? Meaning of System
 Characteristics of System
 Reason of existence of System in Psychology.
 Effect of System in Various Field of Psychology

Unit-II: Structuralism 

 Introduction of Structuralism
 Psychological role in origin of Structuralism
 Principals of Structuralism
 Main Structuralists and Its Contribution: William Wundt, Edward B. Titchener
 Contribution of Structuralism
 Evaluation of Structuralism

Unit-III: Functionalism

 Introduction of Functionalism
 Perspective of Functionalism
 Principals of Functionalism
 Main Functionalists and Its Contribution: John Dewey, James Angeli, Harvey 
Carr, RS Woodworth
 Contribution of Functionalism
 Evaluation of Functionalism and uses in Education.

Unit-IV: Associationism

 Introduction of Associationism
 Contribution of Philosophers in old Associationism
 Principals of Associationism
 Main Associationalists and Its Contribution: Ebbinghaus, Edward Thorndike,
Ivan Pavlov.
 Contribution of Associationism
Unit-V: Behaviorism
 Introduction of Behaviorism
 Origin back ground of Behaviorism 
 Principals of Behaviorism
 Main Behaviorilists and Its Contribution: John Watson, Carl Lashlay, Edwin 
Guthrie, Edward C. Tolman, Clark L. Hull, Burham Skinner.
 Contribution of Behaviorism


 Handouts: Teachers or sen. fellow can guide student to creat different types of 
project or pamphlets.
 ``Cotemporary Theories and System In Psychology.’’ By: Benjamin B. Wolman.
Pub. Harper & Row Publication.-London, Tokyo.
 System and Theories in Psychology (Gujarati). Dr. B. A. Parikh, Gujarat Granth 
Nirman Board, Ahmedabad.
 Woolman B. B. : Contemporary Theories and Systems of Psychology, Harpea 
Publishing Co. N.Y. 1960
 Woodworth : Schools of Psychology
 મનોનવજ્ઞાનની નવિાર્ારાઓ-કુલીન પાંડ્યા, ગુજરાત ગ્રાંર્થ નનમાકણ બોર્ક, અમદાવાદ.

Subject: Psychology
Course Name & Paper No.8: Psychology of Personal Adjustment

Course Objectives:
This course should help Students:
1. To impart knowledge about the normality
2. To make students understand the nature and course of various adjustment 
3. To impart knowledge and skills needed for psychological assessment of 
different adjustment conditions
4. To impart various of personal adjustments.
5. Learn meaning, nature and fields of adjustment
6. Identify stages of personal development
7. Identify and express emotions more clearly
8. Learn to recognize the barriers to personal adjustment and determine the ways 
to overcome those barriers
Unit-I: Adjustment Process
 Definition and Meaning of Adjustment
 Characteristic (Nature) of Adjustment
 Process of Adjustment
 Improvement of Adjustment
 Analysis of Adjustment
 Field of Adjustment
 Improving in Adjustment
Unit-II: Family Adjustment
 Meaning and Definition of Family
 Nature of Family
 Function of Family
 Family interaction
o Reciprocal relations between spouses
o Reciprocal relations between Children and parents.

Family Problem
o Crisis in Family life
o Divorce
 Suggestions for Family Adjustment
Unit-III: School Adjustment
 Introduction
 School-As a New Experience
 Relation between Home and School
 Relation between Teacher and Student
 Factors for effective education 
 Solutions for Effective Learning
 School as a Life living situation 
Unit-IV: Vocational Adjustment
 Introduction
 The transition from academia to business
 Factors Effecting of Vocational Choice
 Factors Effecting of Vocational Satisfaction
 Vocational Satisfaction and Personal Adjustment
 Working women
Unit-V: Psycho-Sexual Adjustment
 Attitudes for Sexuality
 Attitudes for Love
 Factors of Choice of Life Partner
 Psycho-Sexual Relationships in Marriage
o The dangers of Premarital sex 
o Extramarital Sexual Relation
 Why Some People Do not Marry?
 Lamm A. Introduction to Psychopathology, Sage Pub. N.Y. 1997
 Buss A.H. Psychopathology, John Willey N.Y. 1999
 Lehner & Kube, Dynamics of Personal Adjustment, Prentice Hall N.Y. 1996
 Sorenson H. and Molm M. Psychology for Living, Megralo Hill N. Y. 1997
 Bernard H. "Toward Better Personal Adjustment, NCGrew Hill N.Y. 1957
 The Dynamic of Personal Adjustment – Lehner & Kube
 Carson, Butcher and Mineka , “Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life ”, 11th 
edition (2004), Person Education Pte. Ltd, Indian Branch.

 Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life -- James C. Coleman Published by 
Taraporewala & Co. Pvt Ltd.
 Comer R.J., Abnormal Psychology, Fifth Edition,(2003), 
 Wiktor Sadowski. Arunkumar Singh, Aadhunik Asamanya Manovigyan, 
Published by Motilal Banarsidas
 Patel M. (1989), 3rd Ed., “Abnormal Psychology”, University book production 
board, Ahmedabad.
 Mc Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life -- James C. Coleman Published by 
Taraporewala & Co. Pvt Ltd.
 Comer R.J., Abnormal Psychology, Fifth Edition,(2003), 
 Wiktor Sadowski. Arunkumar Singh, Aadhunik Asamanya Manovigyan, 
Published by Motilal Banarsidas
 Patel M. (1989), 3rd Ed., “Abnormal Psychology”, University book production 
board, Ahmedabad.
 Mc Kinne, Fred "Psychology of Personal Adjustment" N. Y. wila
 વૈયનક્તક સમાયોજનનુાં મનોનવજ્ઞાન, પ્રો. સારર્ા અને અન્ય, સી. જમનાદાસની કાંપની-અમદાવાદ.
 મનોરોગશાસ્ર અને વ્યનક્તક સમાયોજનનુાં મનોનવજ્ઞાન, સી. જમનાદાસની કાંપની-અમદાવાદ Kinne, Fred "Psychology of Personal Adjustment" N. Y. wila
 વૈયનક્તક સમાયોજનનુાં મનોનવજ્ઞાન, પ્રો. સારર્ા અને અન્ય, સી. જમનાદાસની કાંપની-અમદાવાદ.
 મનોરોગશાસ્ર અને વ્યનક્તક સમાયોજનનુાં મનોનવજ્ઞાન, સી. જમનાદાસની કાંપની-અમદાવાદ

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