Saturday 28 December 2019

Course Name & Paper No.5: Psychopathology

Subject: Psychology

Course Name & Paper No.5: Psychopathology 

Course Objectives:

This course should help Students:

1. To impart knowledge about the normality.

2. To make students understand the nature and course of various abnormal

3. To impart knowledge and skills needed for psychological assessment of
different normal conditions.

4. To impart various of personal adjustments.

5. Students become familiar with concept of mental disorder.

6. To provide an overview of Abnormal Psychology and major psychological
problems and disorders across biological, psychological, and sociocultural

7. To give the information about DSM and Indian classification.

8. To notified the basic difference between DSM IV & DSM V


Unit-I: Introduction of Psychopathology

 Introduction, Meaning and Definition
 Nature and Scope of Psychopathology
 What is Abnormality? (Meaning of Abnormality)
 Criteria of Abnormal Personality
 Characteristics of Normal Personality
 Characteristics of Abnormal Personality

Unit-II: Frustration and Stress

 Meaning and Definition of Frustration
 Couse of Frustration
 Consequences of Frustration
 The Subversive (Negative) and Constructive effects of Frustration
 Factors affecting endurance of Frustration
 How to Increase endurance of Frustration
 Meaning and Definition of Stress
 Causes (Source) of Stress
 Types of Stress
 Psychological Consequences of Stress
 Physiological Consequences of Stress

Unit-III: Defiance Mechanism

 Meaning and Definition of Defiance Mechanism
 Nature of Defiance Mechanism
 Types of Defiance Mechanism
o Attack Mechanism
o Blame-assiging or Attention Mechanism
o Fliglit Mechanism
 Functions and usefulness of Defiance Mechanism In context of Adjustment

Unit-IV: Psychological Disorder -I

 Meaning and Definition of Psychological Disorder
 Characteristic of Psychological Disorder
 Types of Psychological Disorder
o Anxiety Disorders
o Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders
o Depressive Disorders
o Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders

Unit-V: Psychological Disorder -II

o Neurodevelopmental Disorders
o Sleep-Wake Disorders
o Sexual Dysfunctions
o Gender Dysphoria
o Personality Disorders
o Medication-Induced Movement Disorders
(Note: Unit-IV and V according to DSM-V)


 Carson, Butcher and Mineka , “Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life ”, 11th
edition (2004), Person Education Pte. Ltd, Indian Branch.
 Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life -- James C. Coleman Published by
Taraporewala & Co. Pvt Ltd.
 Comer R.J., Abnormal Psychology, Fifth Edition,(2003),
 Wiktor Sadowski. Arunkumar Singh, Aadhunik Asamanya Manovigyan,
Published by Motilal Banarsidas
 Patel M. (1989), 3rd Ed., “Abnormal Psychology”, University book production
board, Ahmedabad.
 Lamm A. Introduction to Psycholpathology, Page Pub. N.Y. 1997
 Buss A.H. Psychopathology, John Willey N.Y. 1999
 Lehner & Kube, Dynmics of Personal Adjustment, Prentice Hall 1996
 Sorenson H. and Malm M. "Psychology for Living" N. Y. Megralo Hill 1997
 Mc Kinne, Fred "Psychology of Personal Adjustment" N. Y. wila
 Bernard H. "Toward Better Personal Adjustment" N. Y. Mc. Grew Hill 1957
 The Dynamic of Personal Adjustment – Lehner & Kube.
 Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) Fifth
Edition. American Psychiatric Publication, A Divisoin of Psychiatric
Association. Washington, DC London, England.
 અસા્ારણ મનોનવજ્ઞાન, પ્રો. રજનીકાાંત પટેલ, સી. જમનાદાસની કાંપની-અમદાવાદ
 વૈયનક્તક સમાયોજનનુાં મનોનવજ્ઞાન, પ્રો. સારર્ા અને અન્ય, સી. જમનાદાસની કાંપની-અમદાવાદ
 અસા્ારણ મનોનવજ્ઞાન, પ્રો. મફતલાલ પટેલ, યુનનવસીટી ગ્રાંર્થ નનમાકણ બોર્ક ગુજરાત રાજ્ય,
 મનોરોગશાસ્ર અને વ્યનક્તક સમાયોજનનુાં મનોનવજ્ઞાન, સી. જમનાદાસની કાંપની-અમદાવાદ

Subject: Psychology

Course Name & Paper No.5: Positive Psychology

Course Objectives:

This course should help Students

1. To understand the basic concept of positive psychology.

2. To develop an understanding of the dimensions of subjective wellbeing and the
application to their lives.

3. To impart knowledge about the normality.

4. To make students understand the nature and course of positive conditions.

5. To impart knowledge and skills needed for psychological assessment of
different normal conditions.

6. To impart various of personal adjustments.

7. To know about SWB that help to improve our living quality.

8. To get clear difference between positive and negative emotion.

9. To become aware about the real meaning of happiness and its factors.

10. To built good character for development of health society.


Unit-1 : What is positive Psychology & its relationship

 Meaning & Goals of Positive Psychology
 Relation of others Psychology
 Characteristics of Normal – Abnormal Personality

Unit : 2 Happiness & Well-being

 Meaning of Happing & Well-being
 What is happiness
 What is Happiness?
 Why a psychology of wellbeing?
 Subjective Well-being

Unit : 3 Positive Emotions

 What is Positive Emotions
 Who do Positive Emotions in life

 Positive Emotions & Health Resource
 Positive Emotions and Well-Being
 Cultivating Positive Emotions

Unit : 4 Happiness & Facts of Life

 Happiness Across the life span
 Positive Moods & Behaviour
 advantage in married life
 Selection to Effects

Unit : 5 Happiness & Culture

 All concept of happiness meaning
 Styles of Happiness in America
 Styles of Happiness in Asia


 Steve R. Baumgardner & Marue K. Crothers, “ Positive Psychology”,
2009,Person education.
 C. R. Snyder, Shane J. Lopez & Jennifer Teramoto Pedrotti, ‘Positive
Psychology : the scientific and practical explorations of Human stenghts’,
second edition, 2011, SAGE Publications India Pvt.Ltd.
 C.R.Snyder,Shane J.Lopez & Jennifer Teramoto Pedrotti, ‘Positive Psychology
: the scientific and practical explorations of Human stenghts’, second edition,
2008, SAGE Publications India Pvt.Ltd.
 Seven Study by Faideyck
 Happiness in Married Life
 નવ્ાયક મનોનવજ્ઞાન, પાશ્વ પબ્લીકેશન, ર્ૉ. અરવવાંદ શાહ અને ર્ૉ. અનશ્વન જનશારી.

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